Our Programs

TLC offers care for chilren from 6 months to 10 years of age. In each class, focus is placed on helping each child reach their developmental goals while also learning necessary skills that will stay with them for the rest of their life. TLC children are also encouraged to share and help one another, helping to build friendships between classmates and creating a healthy social environment.

Infants & Young Toddlers
Ages 6 - 24 Months
In our Infant & Young Toddler class, our babies are given daily lessons on basic letters and numbers, as well as indoor and outdoor playtime to help develop their gross motor skills. Time is also set aside for instruction in everyday skills such as toilet training, learning to use cups and utensils properly, and make believe play to encourage creativity.
We also encourage our Infants to develop necessary skills such as crawling, walking, talking, grasping food and other solid objects, and the ability to recognize different people and things.

Older Toddlers
Ages 2 - 3 Years
In our Older Toddler class, our toddlers are given instruction on letters and recognizing them inside of words (E.g. "A" for Apple, "B" for Bear), numbers, colors, and shapes. Our toddlers are also instructed on recognizing their names and the letters that form them.
Arts and Crafts Time and Music Time help encourage creativity while Cooking Time and Outdoor Playtime helps promote teamwork and develop fine motor skills. Basic hygiene such as washing and drying hands is also taught and encouraged.

Preschool 1 & 2
Ages 3 - 4 Years
In our Preschool 1 & 2 class, our children begin to learn the skills that will prepare them for Kindergarten and the years to come. Our children are taught their letters and numbers in greater detail and how to trace letters and form words. Colors and shapes are taught in more detail as well and the children are introduced to the days of the week and the months of the year.
Make believe play and dress up help the children explore the world around them as well as each other while also encouraging creativity. During outdoor play, structured games encourage teamwork and cooperation while allowing them to work on their motor skills and strategic thinking.

Preschool 3
Ages 4 - 5
In our Preschool 3 class, our children continue to prepare themselves for Kindergarten. They
learn to read, write, understand, and form their names and basic sentences. They also learn
how to write numbers and identify and write the full date of each day. Our children are also
encouraged to learn and understand basic information about themselves, such as their full
name and the full names of their parents, their phone number, and address.
Preschool 3 children also spend time on the computer, where they learn the basics of the mouse and keyboard and interact with programs that help exercise what they learned in the classroom.

After School Program
Ages 5 - 10
Our After School Program runs during the school year and allows our school age children a chance to work on what they learn in school while also taking part in lessons that may not be included in their school curriculum. Once they arrive at the center after school, they are given supper (or snack on half-days), and are given help with their homework. Afterwards the children spend the end of the day completing arts and crafts activities or working on the computer. The students learn how to type and perform basic functions on Microsoft Word and Paint!, as well as explore their creativity through web browsing.